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Elite Life Medical Centre

CosmeticsWhat is PRP?

What is PRP?

PRP Rejuvenation often incorporates fillers with PRP – which stands for Platelet Rich Plasma – to enhance the shape for the face and restore volume. It is a simple in-office nonsurgical procedure which uses a concentrated serum processed from your own blood in conjunction with dermal filler to increase the effectiveness and longevity of those fillers…or alone to call in the natural collagen building process.


How does it work?


A small vial of blood is taken from your arm – less than that normally taken for routine blood tests. The blood is then placed in a vial and spun in a centrifuge to separate the red blood cells and plasma. The process concentrates the platelet count to about 4X normal. It is this platelet-rich plasma – often called “liquid gold” – that is then activated and injected into the skin – or applied topically in a surface regeneration action. Centrifuged blood and plasma for PRP treatment Face Lift


The Key to Success -Tricking the cells into thinking there is injury


The serum is activated by the addition of simple calcium chloride. The activated plasma serum behaves the same way the body would respond if there were an actual injury – healing platelets rush in to create a rich fibrin mesh. This fibrin mesh in turn calls out to natural healing cells, releasing growth factors* and stimulating the process of fibroblast production (the cells that create collagen) to energize and heal.

Established in 2011, Elite Life Medical Centre has built an enviable place in the industry as one of the most trusted healthcare providers in Dubai and the UAE.